Saturday 8 March 2014

Flash Back Friday

Flash back Friday to when Kati and I just started dating and we moved from Brisbane to Melbourne where we where struggling to find jobs and to pay rent in out lavish apartment in the city. These where some of the best days of my life, even though we were living off our savings and budgeting wether or not we could afford wine or not over the weekends, it was so fun but was definitely stressful in a way. I would also spend ever day with Kati and if you've never meet Kati, to say the least she can be bit of a hand full at times. But I wouldn't have wanted it to to go any other way. We have had the best times of our life even though we have had no money, it really was a test to see how we would go as a couple and it mad us stronger then ever with those experiences,it just shows money dosnt buy happiness or love..